The date and time value can be written in one cell but can be separated. There are several ways to separate them. For example, there are date and time values as shown below with various formats. How to separate date and time in excel? Using INT …
Excel stores TIME values in decimal numbers, but in day unit. The first way to convert a time value to hours, minutes or seconds number is to use the multiplication formula. The second way is using the excel CONVERT function, an excel function to convert from …
What are Odd and Even Numbers? Even numbers definition Even numbers are numbers that are always divisible by 2. No reminder always returns integer number. Odd numbers definition Odd numbers are numbers that are not multiples of 2. If divided by the number two, always there …
For example, there are data such as the image below. How is the fastest way to subtract numbers in column A with a number in cell B1? Subtract Multiple Cells Using Formula You need an absolute cell reference for subtracting numbers with a number. Make the …
There is no SUMPRODUCTIF function in excel, but you can use the SUMPRODUCT function to solve one criteria or multiple criteria questions, in the same column or different columns. For example, there are data such as the image below Question 1 – No Criteria What is …
For example, there are data such as the image below. How does the SUMIF function answer the following multiple criteria questions, either in the same or different columns, either with AND, OR operator or both? SUMIF Multiple Criteria Same Column (AND Operator) The Question How much …
SUMIFS vs. SUMIF Here is a table of differences between SUMIFS and SUMIF functions. The most noticeable difference is the number of criteria. The SUMIFS function can handle up to 127 criteria; the SUMIF function handles only one criterion. Questions for SUMIFS/SUMIF Function Question #1, What …
“How to Use the Excel SUMIFS Function” article explains SUMIFS has limitations, i.e., unable to handle multiple OR criteria, either in the same or different columns. There are data such as the image below. The following are questions could not be solved by SUMIFS function Multiple …
As already discussed in the article “How to Create a Formula in Excel“. If a cell contains a formula copied to another cell, it will generate a cell containing a formula as well. By default, the cell address used by the formula will change to adjust …
How to Create a Simple Formula in Excel To create a formula in excel must start with the equal sign “=”. If there is no equals sign, then whatever is typed in the cell will not be regarded as a formula. Here’s how to create a …