What is the Excel TEXTJOIN Function? The excel TEXTJOIN function is the best function to concatenate strings in Excel, has an option to add word separator and can concatenate multiple cells or a range easily. TEXTJOIN Syntax TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, , …) delimiter, required, a separator …
What is the Excel CONCAT Function? The excel CONCAT function combines all data; it could be a text, a number or a date. The result remains a text. The advantage of the CONCAT function compared to the CONCATENATE function is allowing you to use the range …
What is the Excel CONCATENATE Function? The excel CONCATENATE function combines text or numbers into a text. CONCATENATE Syntax CONCATENATE(text1, , ...) text1, required, the first data to combine, it could be text, number or cell reference text2, optional, additional data to combine, handle up to …
What is the Excel REPLACE Function? The excel REPLACE function replaces the text based on a predetermined position. REPLACE Syntax REPLACE(old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text) old_text, required, the text in which you want to replace. start_num, required, the starting position of the character to replace with the …
What is the Excel SUBSTITUTE Function? The excel SUBSTITUTE function replaces the old text to the new text by matching the same word. The SUBSTITUTE function works in case sensitive and has no support for a wildcard character. SUBSTITUTE Syntax SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, ) text, required, …
What is the Excel REPT Function? The excel REPT function repeats a text with a specified number of replications. REPT Syntax REPT(text, number_times) text, required, the text to repeat. number_times, required, a positive number to determine the number of times to repeat the text. Usage Notes: …
What is the Excel FIND Function? The excel FIND function is looking for a text in another text. The FIND function has NO OPTION for wild card usage and does a case sensitive search. FIND Syntax FIND(find_text,within_text,) find_text, required, text that you want to find. within_text, …
What is the Excel SEARCH Function? The excel SEARCH function is looking for a text in another text. The SEARCH function does a case-insensitive search and allows the usage of the wild card. SEARCH Syntax SEARCH(find_text,within_text,) find_text, required, text that you want to search. within_text, required, …
What is the Excel RIGHT Function? The excel RIGHT function takes a number of characters in the text from the right. RIGHT Syntax RIGHT(text, ) text, required, the text from which to extract the characters. num_chars, optional, specifies the number of characters to extract. If the …