ExcelCSE.com https://excelcse.com The Ultimate Guide How to Use Excel Better Sat, 22 Jun 2019 04:08:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.2 How to Extract Day, Month and Year from Date in Excel https://excelcse.com/how-to-extract-day-month-year-from-date-in-excel/ Sun, 23 Jun 2019 01:00:28 +0000 https://excelcse.com/?p=1439 Excel provides three different functions to extract a day, month, and year from date. The following is an explanation of each function to extract each value. Extract Day from Date in Excel The formula =DAY(A2) The result If you want to extract the day from the date, you can use the DAY function. The DAY function requires only one argument, fill it with valid excel date value. The result, there are four days value and one error #VALUE!. An error occurred because 2/29/2006 is not a valid Excel date value. Why? Because 2006 is not a leap year, so there

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How to Extract Day, Month and Year from Date in Excel

Excel provides three different functions to extract a day, month, and year from date. The following is an explanation of each function to extract each value.

Extract Day from Date in Excel

The formula


The result

If you want to extract the day from the date, you can use the DAY function. The DAY function requires only one argument, fill it with valid excel date value.

The result, there are four days value and one error #VALUE!. An error occurred because 2/29/2006 is not a valid Excel date value. Why? Because 2006 is not a leap year, so there is no February 29th.

The DAY function result is a number between 1 and 31.

Extract Month from Date in Excel

The formula


The result

To extract month from the date you need the MONTH function. Like the DAY function, the MONTH function has only one argument, filled with a valid Excel date value.

There is a #VALUE error. The error appearance is the same place as the #VALUE error in DAY function result. The cause of the error is the same; the date value in cell A5 is not a valid Excel date value. This error will still appear in all excel functions related to the date.

The MONTH function result is a number between 1 and 12.

Extract Year from Date in Excel

The formula


The result

To extract the year from date, Excel provides the YEAR function. There is an argument that must be filled with a valid Excel date value.

The results of the DAY and MONTH functions are a number with a narrow range. Instead, the YEAR function is a wide range of numbers between 1900 and 9999.

For years less than 1900 or more than 9999, it will be considered an invalid excel date value. If used by an Excel function (related to the date function) returns a #VALUE! Error.

The DAY, MONTH and YEAR functions extract day, month and year from a date. To do the opposite, converting day, month and year in number to date value, you need the DATE function.

Related Function

Usefull links
  • Microsoft Excel DAY function documentation

The post How to Extract Day, Month and Year from Date in Excel appeared first on ExcelCSE.com.

How to Add Seconds, Minutes and Hours to a Time in Excel https://excelcse.com/how-to-add-seconds-minutes-hours-to-time-in-excel/ Fri, 24 May 2019 01:00:36 +0000 https://excelcse.com/?p=1394 Excel stores date value in integer number and time value in decimal number. 1 day = 24 hours 1 hour = 1/24 = 0.041666667 1 minute = 1/(24*60) = 1/1440 = 0.000694444 1 second = 1/(24*60*60) = 1/86400 = 0.0000115740740740741 To add seconds, minutes, or hours to a time, you can use the Excel functions or using the data above in addition formula. How to add SECONDS to time in Excel? No Excel function solution The formula =A2+(B2/86400) The result Add the time value with the number 1/86400 and multiply by the number of seconds to be added. Excel function

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How to Add Seconds, Minutes and Hours to a Time in Excel

Add time in excel

Excel stores date value in integer number and time value in decimal number.

1 day = 24 hours

1 hour = 1/24 = 0.041666667

1 minute = 1/(24*60) = 1/1440 = 0.000694444

1 second = 1/(24*60*60) = 1/86400 = 0.0000115740740740741

To add seconds, minutes, or hours to a time, you can use the Excel functions or using the data above in addition formula.

Read the following article for a more detailed explanation of how Excel stores date and time

How to add SECONDS to time in Excel?

No Excel function solution

The formula


The result

Excel add seconds to time

Add the time value with the number 1/86400 and multiply by the number of seconds to be added.

Excel function solution

The formula


The result

Excel add seconds to time

There are four excel functions, the HOUR function to extract the hour values, the MINUTE function to extract the minute values, and the SECOND function to extract the second values.

If you want to add n seconds to time then add n in the SECOND function result, then all three values (hour, minute and second) are reassembled using the TIME function to get the new time value.

The results are the same as no excel function solution.

How to add MINUTES to time in Excel?

Simple formula solution

The formula


The result

Excel add minutes to time

Excel function solution

The formula


The result

Excel add minutes to time

Like adding seconds to time, but the added minutes placed in the MINUTE function result.

How to add HOURS to time in Excel?

Simple formula solution

The formula


The result

Excel add hours to time

The result is the ##### sign for a time that passes midnight when subtracted. For a time that passes midnight when added Excel will show the correct result, even though it has increased by 1 day.

For the subtraction formula if it passes midnight return a negative number. Excel cannot show the result because the correct result should be 1 minus the negative number.

For this reason, formula correction is needed, if the formula result is negative then add with number 1; otherwise, no correction needed.

The modified formula


The result

Excel add hours to time

No more ##### signs

The Other Alternative

You can use MOD function to get the simpler formula but the same result.

The formula


The result

Excel add hours to time

the MOD function change the negative number to the positive number, equivalent to formula =1+negative-value.

Excel function solution

The Formula


The result

Excel add hours to time

The result is a #NUM! Error, for time value pass the midnight when subtracted.

The solution is the same as the previous formula; you should check which formula returns a negative number (passes the midnight when subtracted). If there is a negative number, you should add correction by adding 24; otherwise, no correction needed.

The modified formula


The result

Excel add hours to time

The solution for negative time value is the same for hours, minutes or seconds.

No error for minutes and second in the example above because the subtraction result is a positive number (does not pass the midnight)

How to add HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS to time in Excel?

What is the formula for adding hours, minutes and seconds to a time? Can you use a simple formula or must use an excel function?

Simple formula solution

The formula


The result

Excel add hours, minutes, seconds to time

The ##### sign appears for negative time value. For this reason, you need to modify the formula to eliminate the errors.

The modified formula


The result

Excel add hours, minutes, seconds to time

The difference with the previous formula is the addition of +1. Why +1 solve the problem?

The problems only appear for negative time value; the solution is to add +1. Whereas +1 for positive time value keep showing the correct result, although the date changes (increases by 1).

The data above does not include the date values; then you can use +1 for positive or negative time value. The result is a simpler formula.

You cannot use the above formula if you include the date value, because the results will be different.

If you include the date, no need for formula correction because the result is the correct time and the correct date.

Excel add hours, minutes, seconds to time

An error will occur if the returning date is smaller than January 1, 1900.

Excel function solution

The formula


The result

Excel add hours, minutes, seconds to time

#NUM! Error appears for negative time value.

The modified formula


The result

Excel add hours, minutes, seconds to time

No errors found

Related Function

Usefull links
  • Microsoft Excel Add or Subtract a time documentation

The post How to Add Seconds, Minutes and Hours to a Time in Excel appeared first on ExcelCSE.com.

How to Add Days, Weeks, Months and Years to a Date in Excel https://excelcse.com/how-to-add-days-weeks-months-years-to-date-in-excel/ Sat, 18 May 2019 01:00:28 +0000 https://excelcse.com/?p=1374 How to add DAYS to a date in Excel Excel stores date value in integer number, to find out n days after a date, add the date and number of days. The Result The formula in cell B2 adds a date in cell A2 with number 20. The result, 20 days after May 16, 2019, is June 5, 2019. There are many ways to get a date value, for the first formula the date value is inserted in a cell, the second formula uses the DATE function then added to the number 20. The result is the same as the

The post How to Add Days, Weeks, Months and Years to a Date in Excel appeared first on ExcelCSE.com.

How to add days, weeks, months and years to a date in Excel?

How to add days, weeks, months, years to date in Excel

How to add DAYS to a date in Excel

Excel stores date value in integer number, to find out n days after a date, add the date and number of days.

Add days to date

The Result

Add days to date

The formula in cell B2 adds a date in cell A2 with number 20. The result, 20 days after May 16, 2019, is June 5, 2019.

There are many ways to get a date value, for the first formula the date value is inserted in a cell, the second formula uses the DATE function then added to the number 20. The result is the same as the first formula.

The third formula uses the TODAY function, this function returning a different date depending on what date it is today. Incidentally, today is May 16, 2019 add number 20 the result is the same as the two previous formulas.

Read the article below for a more detailed explanation of how Excel stores date and time value.

How to add WEEKS to a date in Excel

To find out n weeks after a date, use the addition and multiplication formula. The multiplication formula used to convert weeks into days by multiplying by 7. The addition formula used to add the results of the multiplication formula with a date. The result is n weeks after a date.

Add weeks to date

The result

Add weeks to date

1 week after May 16, 2019, is May 23, 2019, and 4 weeks after May 16, 2019, is June 13, 2019.

You can use negative numbers to find n weeks before a date. The result of the formula in cell C3 shows that May 2, 2019, is 2 weeks before May 16, 2019.

Why does the formula using an absolute reference? Read the article below for a full explanation.

How to add MONTHS to a date in Excel

How to add months to a date is different by adding days/weeks to a date.

The first step to do is to extract the year, month, and day of date by using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions. To add n months after a date, add the n value to the MONTH function result, then arrange them all with the DATE function to find out the date after n months.

Add months to date

The result

Add months to date

1 month and 3 months after May 16, 2019, are June 16, 2019, and August 16, 2019, while 2 months and 5 months before May 16, 2019, are March 16, 2019, and December 16, 2019.

You got the same date even though several months have different days.

How to add YEARS to a date in Excel

To get n years after a date is like to get n months after a date. You must extract the date value using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions.

Add the YEAR function result by to the desired n year value, then arrange them all with the DATE function.

Add years to date

The result

Add years to date

You got the same date and month, the different only in year value.

How to add YEARS, MONTHS, DAYS to a date in Excel

What date is 1 year 4 months 17 days after May 16, 2019?

The first step is to extract the date value using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions.

The second step, add number 1 to the YEAR function result, add number 4 to the MONTH function result and add number 17 to the DAY function result.

The third step arranges all in the DATE function.

The formula


The result

Add years, months, weeks, days to date

1 year 4 months 17 days after May 16, 2019, is Oct 3, 2020.


What date are 2 years 10 months 5 days before May 16, 2019?

The formula


The result

Add years, months, weeks, days to date

The formula is the same as the previous formula. Use negative numbers to find out the date before a date.

2 years 10 months 5 days before May 16, 2019, is July 11, 2016.

Related Function

Usefull links
  • Microsoft Excel Add or Subtract a dates documentation

The post How to Add Days, Weeks, Months and Years to a Date in Excel appeared first on ExcelCSE.com.

How to Calculate Time Difference in Excel https://excelcse.com/how-to-calculate-time-difference-in-excel/ Fri, 10 May 2019 01:00:19 +0000 https://excelcse.com/?p=1361 How many hours between two times? To get hours between two times, use the subtraction formula. A result is a decimal number (You might get a different result if you have a different format cell). The numbers are in a day unit, to get the numbers in hour multiply the results by 24. The formula =(B2-A2)*24 The result If the result is less than 1, then the difference between two times is less than 1 hour. How many minutes between two times? It’s like looking for hours between two times. To get minutes between the two times, use the subtraction

The post How to Calculate Time Difference in Excel appeared first on ExcelCSE.com.

How many hours, minutes and seconds between two times?

How to calculate time difference in excel

How many hours between two times?

To get hours between two times, use the subtraction formula.

How many hours between two times

A result is a decimal number (You might get a different result if you have a different format cell). The numbers are in a day unit, to get the numbers in hour multiply the results by 24.

The formula


The result

How many hours between two times

If the result is less than 1, then the difference between two times is less than 1 hour.

How many minutes between two times?

It’s like looking for hours between two times. To get minutes between the two times, use the subtraction formula, but multiply the result by 1440. Where did the number 1440 come from? The number comes from the multiplication of numbers 24 and 60.

The formula


The result

How many minutes between two times

How many seconds between two times?

To get seconds between two times, use the subtraction formula and multiply the result by 86400.

The formula


The result

How many seconds between two times

All results are integer number because seconds are the smallest units in time.

How many hours, minutes and seconds between two times?

The three formulas above only return numbers in one unit, hours only, minutes only or seconds only. How to get the complete difference in hours, minutes and seconds?

Solution 1: Subtraction formula and format cell

Subtraction formula is the easiest solution, requires only one subtraction formula. The result will be a decimal number like the first picture above. To get the difference in details, do a format cell with the “h:mm:ss” format.

The result

Time between two dates

Solution 2: HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND Function

The result of solution 1, all the differences are in one column. If you want the difference in hours to be in its column as well as the difference in minutes and seconds, the solution is using HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND function.

The formula for hours column


The formula for minutes column


The formula for seconds column


The result

Calculate time between dates

How many days, hours, minutes and seconds between two times?

What if the difference in time is more than one day, how to calculate it? Use the subtraction formula.

The formula


The result

How to subtract time in excel

The number in front of the decimal separator is the difference in days, while the number behind the decimal separator is the difference in hours, minutes and seconds.

For more informative, you can separate the difference in days, hours, minutes and seconds in each column. You need the QUOTIENT and MOD function to separate integer numbers and decimal numbers.

The integer number is the difference in days, and the decimal number is the difference in hours, minutes and seconds. You need the HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND functions to extract the details.

The formula for days column


The formula for hours column


The formula for minutes column


The formula for seconds column


The result

How to calculate time in excel

The difference in days is more than 30 days, and some are more than 365 days. Read the following article to find out how to calculate the difference in years, months, weeks and days between two dates

Related Function

Usefull links
  • Microsoft Excel Calculate the Different between Two Times documentation

The post How to Calculate Time Difference in Excel appeared first on ExcelCSE.com.

Calculate Number of Days, Weeks, Months and Years Between Two Dates in Excel https://excelcse.com/number-of-days-weeks-months-and-years-between-two-dates/ Thu, 25 Apr 2019 06:25:30 +0000 https://excelcse.com/?p=1345 Calculate Number of Days Between Two Dates Excel has a function that calculates the number of days between two dates, the DATEDIF function. The Formula =DATEDIF(A2,B2,"d") You got the number of days between two dates, but there is one problem, cell C4 returns an error. Error #NUM! happens because the end date is earlier than the start date. To fix the #NUM! Error, the solution is to use the subtraction formula. Excel stores date values as an integer number, to find out the number of days between two dates use the subtraction formula. The Formula =B2-A2 Look at cell C4,

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Calculate Number of Days, Weeks, Months and Years Between Two Dates in Excel

Calculate Number of Days, Weeks, Months and Years between Two Dates

Calculate Number of Days Between Two Dates

Excel has a function that calculates the number of days between two dates, the DATEDIF function.

Number of Days between Two Dates

The Formula


You got the number of days between two dates, but there is one problem, cell C4 returns an error. Error #NUM! happens because the end date is earlier than the start date.

Please read the article below for a more detailed explanation for DATEDIF function

To fix the #NUM! Error, the solution is to use the subtraction formula. Excel stores date values as an integer number, to find out the number of days between two dates use the subtraction formula.

Number of Days between Two Dates

The Formula


Look at cell C4, the DATEDIF function returns a #NUM error, but with subtraction formula, there is no error but a negative number.

Calculate Number of Weeks Between Two Dates

To calculate the number of weeks between two dates divide the number of days between two dates by number 7. The result is the number of weeks between two dates.

Number of Weeks between Two Dates

The Formula


A result is a decimal number, a number of weeks between October 29, 2018, and January 5, 2019, is 9.714286.

Is it possible to get a full week difference and shows the remaining days (that are not up to 1 week)? Of course, Excel can do this, thanks to the QUOTIENT and MOD function.

Number of Weeks between Two Dates

The Formula for weeks column


The Formula for days column


Between October 29, 2018, and January 5, 2019, there are nine weeks and five days.

Please read the article below for a more detailed explanation for QUOTIENT and MOD function

Calculate Number of Months Between Two Dates

To calculate the number of months between two dates, you must use the DATEDIF function. You cannot use the division formula that divides the number of days between two dates by 30. Why? Because in a month could be 28, 29, 30 or 31 days.

Number of Months between Two Dates

The Formula


You got a #NUM! error, it means the DATEDIF function unable to do a calculation if the end date is earlier than the start date.

The solution is to change the start date and the end date position if the end date is earlier than the start date. You need the IF function to do this trick.

Number of Months between Two Dates

The Formula


No more #NUM errors and cell C4 can display a negative number :).

The DATEDIF function result is a complete difference. If there is less than 1-month days difference, excel will ignore it.

How to calculate the remaining days that are not up to 1 month? still using the DATEDIF function but the unit argument is “md” (calculating the day difference by ignoring the difference in months).

Number of Months between Two Dates

The formula for days column


Calculate Number of Years Between Two Dates

How to calculate number of years, months and days between two dates?

Number of Years between Two Dates

The Formula for years column


The Formula for months column


The Formula for days column


Related Function

Usefull links
  • Microsoft Excel Calculate the Different between Two Dates documentation

The post Calculate Number of Days, Weeks, Months and Years Between Two Dates in Excel appeared first on ExcelCSE.com.

Flash Fill Excel https://excelcse.com/flash-fill-excel/ Thu, 11 Apr 2019 01:00:36 +0000 https://excelcse.com/?p=1130 What is Flash Fill Excel Flash Fill automatically fills your data when Excel detects a pattern in your initial data entry. No need to create or copy any excel formula; everything happened magically. You can use Flash Fill for various things, extracting or combining name, extracting text, change number format, and many other things. Read the “How to Use Flash Fill in Excel” section for more detail case study and explanation. Flash Fill is only available in Excel 2013 and later. How to Enable Flash Fill in Excel Steps to enable the flash fill menu Click File – Options Click

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All about Flash Fill in Excel

Flash Fill Excel

What is Flash Fill Excel

Flash Fill automatically fills your data when Excel detects a pattern in your initial data entry. No need to create or copy any excel formula; everything happened magically.

You can use Flash Fill for various things, extracting or combining name, extracting text, change number format, and many other things. Read the “How to Use Flash Fill in Excel” section for more detail case study and explanation.

Flash Fill is only available in Excel 2013 and later.

How to Enable Flash Fill in Excel

Steps to enable the flash fill menu

  1. Click File – Options
  2. Click Advance in the left pane
  3. Ensure that the Automatically Flash Fill box is checked.

Flash Fill Excel

  1. Click OK
  2. Close and restart Excel

Start Flash Fill Manually

If you have ensured that the Flash Fill menu is active but still not working, you can activate it manually by using a shortcut CTRL+E.

You can activate the Flash Fill Excel menu from the ribbon menu too. Click Data – Flash Fill or Click Home – Fill – Flash Fill.

How to Use Flash Fill in Excel

Below is an example of the Flash Fill menu usage in several cases.

Combining First, Middle and Last Name

You can combine first, middle and last name easily using Flash Fill menu.

Type the full name in cell D2 for the first name. Type the full name in cell D3 for the second name, only a few letters after you type the second name, all full names appear for all names, press ENTER.

How to Use Flash Fill in Excel

Creating an Email Address

You can create an email address without any formula at all.

Type the correct email address based on first, last and company name for the first data. A few letters after typing the second e-mail address, all e-mail addresses for all names appear and press ENTER.

How to Flash Fill in Excel

You got an email address easily.

Extracting First and Last Name

Extracting first and last names from a name is easy.

Flash Fill on Excel

Changing a Text Format

You want to remove the country code and make three groups of numbers; each group consists of 4 digits.

Use Flash Fill in Excel

Everything is done with no formula.

Getting a Number from an Alphanumeric Value

You can take all the numbers in column A with no formula, type the first data pattern; then Excel will take all the numbers in column A.

How to Do Flash Fill in Excel

Extracting Day, Month and Year

How Do You Use Flash Fill in Excel

You can even extract the day, month and year easily, no formulas, using only Flash Fill shortcut CTRL+E.

Creating an Acronym

Microsoft Excel Flash Fill

Want to try creating an acronym using an excel formula? I doubt you can finish it: p. Flash Fill intelligently ignore “of”, “is” and “and” word.

Changing a Case Letter

Start ignoring the LOWER, UPPER and PROPER functions 😀

How to Use Flash Fill Excel

Related Articles

Usefull links
  • Microsoft Excel Flash Fill documentation

The post Flash Fill Excel appeared first on ExcelCSE.com.

Paste Special Excel https://excelcse.com/paste-special-excel/ Wed, 03 Apr 2019 01:00:30 +0000 https://excelcse.com/?p=1111 What is Paste Special Paste special is a paste but you can choose the result type. As we all know, if you copy an excel formula and place somewhere, the result is a formula too. The value could be different from the original value depending on many things. By using paste special, you can determine whether the result is a formula or a value, you can also determine whether copying the cell format or the cell width. There are many options; please read the “How to Use Paste Special in Excel” section for detailed explanation. Paste Special Shortcut The shortcut

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All about Paste Special in Excel

Paste Special Excel

What is Paste Special

Paste special is a paste but you can choose the result type.

As we all know, if you copy an excel formula and place somewhere, the result is a formula too. The value could be different from the original value depending on many things.

By using paste special, you can determine whether the result is a formula or a value, you can also determine whether copying the cell format or the cell width.

There are many options; please read the “How to Use Paste Special in Excel” section for detailed explanation.

Paste Special Shortcut

The shortcut for paste special is


A dialog appears as shown below.

Paste Special Excel

There are many options you can use. How to use each option read the “How to Use Paste Special in Excel” section

Difference between Paste and Paste Special

Next is the difference between paste and paste special if you copy a number or a formula.



Paste Special

Number You got the number including the cell format and the number format. You can make a choice, to get the number only, the cell format only, the cell width only, the combination of them or all of them.
Formula You got the formula including the cell format and the number format. You have an option, to get the formula, the number, the cell format, the cell width, the combination of them or all of them.

For more a detailed explanation about the difference between paste and paste special, read the “How to Use Paste Special in Excel” section.

How to Paste Special in Excel

Paste Special Values

Paste Special Values

For example, you have a numeric value in range A1:A5. What will you get if you COPY range A1:A5 and PASTE/PASTE SPECIAL in range C1:C5?

Paste Special Values

If you use PASTE (CTRL+V) then you get the same number, the same cell format, the same number format but not the column width, the column width does not adjust to the original column width.

Paste Special Values

If you use PASTE SPECIAL VALUES (CTRL+ALT+V, ALT+V), you get only the same number. Cell format, number format and column width will be the same as the destination cell.

Paste Special Formula

Paste Special Formula

An Excel formula is in range C1:C5, what are the results if you COPY the formula and do PASTE/PASTE SPECIAL in range G1:G5?

Paste Special Formula

If you do a PASTE (CTRL+V), you get the same formula (could be not the same number), the same format cell and the same number format.

Paste Special Formula

If you do a PASTE SPECIAL FORMULA (CTRL+ALT+V, ALT+F), you get only the same formula. Cell format and number format adjusted to the destination cell.

Why the numbers in range G1:G5 is different?

Because you COPY the formula, not the number, to get the number instead of the formula, use PASTE SPECIAL VALUES (CTRL+ALT+V, ALT+V).

Paste Special Formula

The numbers are the same as range C1: C5.

Why the formulas return a different number?

Because the formula using a relative cell reference. What is relative cell reference? Is there another cell reference type? For more detail’s explanation, read the following article:

Paste Special Format

If you want to copy the format, either cell format or number format use PASTE SPECIAL FORMAT (CTRL+ALT+V, ALT+F).

Paste Special Format

Paste Special Add

If you want to add a number with a certain number without using a formula, use PASTE SPECIAL ADD (CTRL+ALT+V, ALT+D)

Paste Special Add

The result is as shown below.

Paste Special Add

Paste Special Subtract

Paste Special Subtract

The result

Paste Special Subtract

Paste Special Divide

Paste Special Divide

The result

Paste Special Divide

Paste Special Multiply

Paste Special Multiply

The result

Paste Special Multiply

Paste Special Transpose

If you want to change the data orientation in a range from either vertical to horizontal or vice versa, use PASTE SPECIAL TRANSPOSE (CTRL+ALT+V, ALT+E).

There are numbers in the range A1:D1 (horizontal). If you want to copy the numbers and put it in range A2:A6 (vertical) then PASTE SPECIAL TRANSPOSE is the best solution.

Paste Special Transpose

The result

Paste Special Transpose

Paste Special Skip Blanks

You can use the SKIP BLANKS option if you copy a range with a blank value, so the blank value does not overwrite the existing data in the desired destination.

Paste Special Skip Blanks

Range A1:A10 has eight numbers and two empty cells, vice versa range C1:C10 has only 2 number, and the remaining is empty cells. Two numbers in range C1:C10 has the same row position with the empty cells in range A1:A10.

If you COPY range A1:A10 and do a PASTE in range C1:C10, the result is the same as range A1:A10. If you use PASTE SPECIAL SKIP BLANKS, then the empty cell in the range A1:A10 will not overwrite the existing data in range C1:C10.

You get all the numbers in the range A1:A10 and range C1:C10. The result is as shown below.

Paste Special Skip Blanks

Related Articles

Usefull links
  • Microsoft Excel Paste Special documentation

The post Paste Special Excel appeared first on ExcelCSE.com.

Excel TEXTJOIN Function https://excelcse.com/excel-textjoin-function/ Sat, 30 Mar 2019 01:00:37 +0000 https://excelcse.com/?p=1116 What is the Excel TEXTJOIN Function? The excel TEXTJOIN function is the best function to concatenate strings in Excel, has an option to add word separator and can concatenate multiple cells or a range easily. TEXTJOIN Syntax TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, , …) delimiter, required, a separator between each text. ignore_empty, required, TRUE to ignore empty cell and FALSE to include empty cell. text1, required, text to be joined, you can use a text, a cell or even a range. text2, optional, additional text values to be joined. How to Use TEXTJOIN Function in Excel The following is an example of

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How to Use the Excel TEXTJOIN Function

Excel TEXTJOIN Function

What is the Excel TEXTJOIN Function?

The excel TEXTJOIN function is the best function to concatenate strings in Excel, has an option to add word separator and can concatenate multiple cells or a range easily.


TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, [text2], …)

delimiter, required, a separator between each text.

ignore_empty, required, TRUE to ignore empty cell and FALSE to include empty cell.

text1, required, text to be joined, you can use a text, a cell or even a range.

text2, optional, additional text values to be joined.

How to Use TEXTJOIN Function in Excel

The following is an example of TEXTJOIN function usage and the results.

Excel TEXTJOIN Function

TEXTJOIN Function #1


It’s easy to concatenate strings in a range using the TEXTJOIN function. The result is redgreenblue.

TEXTJOIN Function #2


You can even easily to concatenate with a space. The result is alfa beta charlie.

TEXTJOIN Function #3, TEXTJOIN Function #4



If you use empty text in delimiter argument, the ignore_empty argument has no affect in result, TRUE/FALSE the TEXTJOIN function result is the same.

TEXTJOIN Function #5, TEXTJOIN Function #6



You can see a different result is you fill delimiter argument with a text, it could be a space or another text. If the ignore_empty argument is TRUE then empty cell not included, if FALSE you will see the extra delimiter between text.

TEXTJOIN Function #7


You can even easily combine text in a range consisting of several rows and columns.

The result is sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat.


Another article using or explain about TEXTJOIN Function

Another Text Function

Usefull links
  • Microsoft TEXTJOIN function documentation

The post Excel TEXTJOIN Function appeared first on ExcelCSE.com.

Excel CONCAT Function https://excelcse.com/excel-concat-function/ Thu, 21 Mar 2019 01:00:36 +0000 https://excelcse.com/?p=1284 What is the Excel CONCAT Function? The excel CONCAT function combines all data; it could be a text, a number or a date. The result remains a text. The advantage of the CONCAT function compared to the CONCATENATE function is allowing you to use the range address in the text argument. No need to type every cell address, just the range address. CONCAT Syntax CONCAT(text1, ,…) text1, required, the first value to combine, you can use a range reference containing a text, a number or a date. text2, optional, additional value to combine, handle up to 255 values and no

The post Excel CONCAT Function appeared first on ExcelCSE.com.

How to Use the Excel CONCAT Function

Excel CONCAT Function

What is the Excel CONCAT Function?

The excel CONCAT function combines all data; it could be a text, a number or a date. The result remains a text.

The advantage of the CONCAT function compared to the CONCATENATE function is allowing you to use the range address in the text argument. No need to type every cell address, just the range address.


CONCAT(text1, [text2],…)

text1, required, the first value to combine, you can use a range reference containing a text, a number or a date.

text2, optional, additional value to combine, handle up to 255 values and no more than 8,192 characters in a result.

How to Use CONCAT Function in Excel

The image below is an example of the CONCAT function usage and the results.

Excel CONCAT Function

CONCAT Function #1


The result is redgreenblue. You can use the range address and make a simpler formula.

CONCAT Function #2

=CONCAT(A3," ",B3," ",C3)

The CONCAT function is unable to add a word separator. You have to type one by one if you want. In this condition, the CONCAT function is no different from the CONCATENATE function.

Use the excel TEXTJOIN function if you want a word separator without having to type it one by one.

CONCAT Function #3


You can combine a text lotus and a number 123. The result remains a text, lotus123.

CONCAT Function #4


You can combine several numbers too (not add up) using the range address, the result is an alphanumeric 123456.

CONCAT Function #5


Why does a date 8/17/1945 when a combined change to 16666?

Excel stores date values in an integer number. The date 8/17/1945 is the result of an integer number formatted using mm/dd/yyyy date format, when combined using the CONCAT function the original value appears.

Read the article below for a more detailed explanation of how dates and times are stored in Excel.

CONCAT Example

Another article using or explain about CONCAT Function

Another Text Function

Usefull links
  • Microsoft CONCAT function documentation

The post Excel CONCAT Function appeared first on ExcelCSE.com.

Excel CONCATENATE Function https://excelcse.com/excel-concatenate-function/ Tue, 19 Mar 2019 01:00:08 +0000 https://excelcse.com/?p=1114 What is the Excel CONCATENATE Function? The excel CONCATENATE function combines text or numbers into a text. CONCATENATE Syntax CONCATENATE(text1, , ...) text1, required, the first data to combine, it could be text, number or cell reference text2, optional, additional data to combine, handle up to 255 data and up to 8,192 characters in a result. How to Use CONCATENATE Function in Excel Below is an example of the CONCATENATE function usage and the results. CONCATENATE Function #1 =CONCATENATE(A2,B2,C2) The result is redgreenblue; no spaces are separating them. You must enter the space as a separator in the text argument.

The post Excel CONCATENATE Function appeared first on ExcelCSE.com.

How to Use the Excel CONCATENATE Function

Excel Concatenate Function

What is the Excel CONCATENATE Function?

The excel CONCATENATE function combines text or numbers into a text.


CONCATENATE(text1, [text2], ...)

text1, required, the first data to combine, it could be text, number or cell reference

text2, optional, additional data to combine, handle up to 255 data and up to 8,192 characters in a result.

How to Use CONCATENATE Function in Excel

Below is an example of the CONCATENATE function usage and the results.

Concatenate Excel



The result is redgreenblue; no spaces are separating them. You must enter the space as a separator in the text argument.



You can’t use a range address in the CONCATENATE function arguments, only individual cell addresses are allowed.

No range address is the CONCATENATE function limitation. Excel fix this by providing two new functions in Excel 2016. Read “Other Alternative for CONCATENATE Function



You can combine a text and a number. The result is Lotus 123, a text.

By the way, do any of you know what Lotus 123 is?



You can combine numbers (not adding). The result is 123456, but a text.

Use the excel VALUE function to convert text to number.


=CONCATENATE(A6," ",B6," ",C6)

Why did 8/17/1945 change to the number 16666?

Excel stores date values in an integer number. If a date is combined with a text, then the integer number appears, to maintain the mm/dd/yyyy format, use the TEXT function.

For a more detailed explanation of how Excel stores date and time, read the following article

Other Alternative CONCATENATE Function

Use ampersand & sign

Excel Concatenate Strings

The result is the same as the CONCATENATE function; there is no separator between words. If you want to have a separator, you must type one by one for each word.

Use the CONCAT function, a better alternative than CONCATENATE function

Concatenate Function in Excel

One advantage of the CONCAT function compared to the CONCATENATE function, you can use the range address in the text argument.

If there is text in cells to join, use CONCAT function and the range address, but CONCAT function still has a limitation, you can’t add a separator between two words.

For a more detailed explanation, read the following article

Use TEXTJOIN function, the best choice for joining the text

Concatenate Excel Formula

The TEXTJOIN function is the best choice for combining the text. You can use the range address, and you can also add separators between words without having to input them repeatedly.

For a more detailed explanation, read the following article


Another article using or explain about CONCATENATE Function

Another Text Function

Usefull links
  • Microsoft CONCATENATE function documentation

The post Excel CONCATENATE Function appeared first on ExcelCSE.com.
