How to divide in Excel? For example, there is data like the picture below, ten numbers in the range A1:A10 will be divided by ten numbers in the range B1:B10. How to create a division formula in Excel?
Solution Using Using Slash “/” Sign
To create the division formula, you must know the divide sign in Excel; the slash “/” sign is the divide symbol in excel
Below are the steps for creating a division formula
- Put the cursor in cell C1
- Type the equal “=” sign
- Point the cursor to cell A1
- Type the slash “/” sign
- Point the cursor to cell B1
- Press the ENTER button
To divide the numbers in another cell, do a copy (CTRL+C) in cell C1 then do a paste (CTRL+V) in range C2: C10.
The result is as shown below.
A #DIV/0! Error appears in cell C6. Read the article below for a solution to avoid excel divide by zero error.
Solution Using Paste Special
Paste special is no formula solution but use copy and paste special divide.
Below are the steps to copy and paste special divide.
- Make range B1: B10
- Do a copy (CTRL+C)
- Put the cursor in A1
- Do a paste special (CTRL+ALT+V)
- Choose Divide in the “Operation” section (ALT+I)
- Press the ENTER button
The result is as shown below.
The result is the same as using a slash “/” sign. The first difference is the #DIV/0 error! can’t be avoided. If you use a formula, you can modify the formula to avoid divide by zero error. The second difference, original numbers disappears, changing with the new number resulting from the division.
Which One is The Best Solution?
Everything depends on you. If you want to keep the original number, you can use the excel formula and the slash “/” sign. The other advantages, using the Excel formula can avoid divide by zero error by modifying the division formula.
If you don’t want to keep the original number you can use paste special divide, without excel formula, the risk is that you can’t avoid divide by zero error.
The choice is yours.
Divide Function in Excel
Excel also has a division function, not a regular division function. The available divide function in excel is for integer division and to find the remaining number after a division operation.
For more a detailed explanation, read the following article: