What is the Excel SUBTOTAL Function? The Excel SUBTOTAL function returns a value from 11 available functions such as SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, etc. (see table below for complete function list) with an option to include or exclude the hidden rows. SUBTOTAL Syntax SUBTOTAL(function_num,ref1,,...) function_num, …
What is the Excel AGGREGATE Function? The Excel AGGREGATE function returns an aggregate calculation from 19 available function with eight available options. AGGREGATE Syntax AGGREGATE(function_num, options, ref1, ref2) function_num, required, a function to use (1-19). options, required, which values to ignore (0-7) ref1, required, the first …
What is the Excel PRODUCT Function? What does product mean in math? In mathematics, a product is a result of multiplying. The Excel PRODUCT function is an Excel function that multiplies all the numbers in the argument. The PRODUCT function results are similar to a multiplication …
What is the Excel CONVERT Function? The excel CONVERT function converts a number from one measurement system to another. There are measurement systems that can be handled by the CONVERT function, for example, convert mm to inches, convert meters to feet, convert minutes to hours, convert …
What is the Excel SUMIFS Function? The SUMIFS function is a SUMIF function with more than one criteria. This function available for Excel 2007 or newer version, an improvement of the SUMIF function that handles only one criterion. SUMIFS Syntax SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, , ...) sum_range, …
What is the Excel SUMIF Function SUMIF is a function to add numbers within a range that meet single criteria. The criteria could be a number, text, or date, support for the logical operator (<, >, =, <>) and wildcard (?, *) for partial matching. SUMIF …
What is the Excel SUM Function? Excel SUM function is used to add all numbers stored in the function argument. The SUM function argument can be a number, logical values, range, cell, array or even an excel formula. SUM Syntax =SUM(number1, , …) number1 is mandatory …
What is SUMPRODUCT Function? The SUMPRODUCT function multiplies corresponding ranges or arrays and returns the sum of those products. SUMPRODUCT Syntax SUMPRODUCT(array1, , , ...) array1, required. The first data to be multiplied, then sum. , optional. The second data to be multiplied, then sum. Usage …
What is the Excel QUOTIENT Function? The QUOTIENT function returns an integer portion of the division. This function is useful if you don’t need the remainder of a division. QUOTIENT Syntax QUOTIENT(numerator, denominator) numerator, required, the number to be divided (the dividend) denominator, required, the number …
What is the MOD function? What does mod stand for in math? MOD stands for modulus, an operation to find the remaining number after a division operation. What is the MOD function in Excel? A function to calculate the remainder of the division. MOD Function Syntax …